United we are winning the

present and shaping the future!

Our mission

Our mission is to unite, inspire and motivate Hellenes and Philhellenes in the commitment of developing progressive educational cultural and philanthropic projects in the US and worldwide.

Preserving the timeless values of Hellenism

By acknowledging the relevance of our heritige, from our language, to art, the olympics, philisophy and more, we can help shape the future.


What we do

The pursuit of the Hellenic Congress of America is to effectively unite Hellenes and Philhellenes in America for a Common Cause so all voices are heard when circumstances may arise.


“And if a man should partake of our culture, let him be called Hellene”

— Isocrates, 4th Century B.C.

Join now to ensure the presence of the Hellenic Heritage remains in the lives of Americans


Your membership or donation helps The Hellenic congress of America to preserve and celebrate our shared Greek heritage and culture.